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In 2015, the California Legislature passed AB 219 which added Section 1720.9 to the Labor Code. This bill expanded the definition of public works under California Labor Code 1770 to include: “…the hauling and delivery of ready-mixed concrete to carry out a public works, contract, with respect to contracts involving any state agency, including the California State University and the University of California, or any political subdivision of the state.”  Effective July 1, 2016, all ready-mix concrete suppliers responsible for the hauling and delivery of ready-mix concrete on public works of improvement are required to pay in accordance with the appropriate prevailing wage determination.

Construction Site
Construction Site


Holliday Rock is a ready-mix concrete supplier, not a subcontractor.  We have outlined items below that we are required and NOT required to provide per AB219.  Holliday Rock is a bona fide material supplier and is exempt from Federal labor standards under Davis Bacon and Related Acts (DOL Field Operations Manual.) 

Please contact your Holliday Rock Sales Representative if you have any questions about the application of Labor Code 1720.9 / AB 219 to your project.



  • Online registration with the DIR

  • Pay the prevailing wage for the location/county where the concrete is batch according to the appropriate wage determination “Driver (on/off – hauling to/from construction site) – Mixer Driver”

  • Retain and send contractor certified payrolls which include certified time records signed by the driver (tickets) within five working days after employee has been paid

  • Submit electronic certified payroll reports (eCPRs) to the DIR via its portal


  • Third party labor compliance software including but not limited to:  LCP Tracker / OCPS / EMARS

  • Fringe Benefit Statement

  • Training Funds / DAS 140 and DAS 142

  • Notices of Non-Performance

  • Labor Compliance Checklist / Labor Law Checklist

  • Authorization for Deduction for Employees

  • Contractor Information Sheet

  • Certificate of Understanding and Authorization

  • State Contractor License

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